ندعم الجمعيات العلمية السعودية كجزء من دورنا المجتمعي لدعم دور التعلم المستمر لجميع مقدمي الرعاية الصحية في المملكة العربية السعودية ودول مجلس التعاون الخليجي.


The Saudi Society for Blood Disorders (SSBD) is a professional non-profit organization, founded according to Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) associations council recommendation and based on agreement letter number 1/A/2018 dated 30 May 2018 of Board of Trustees of SCFHS headed by the Minister of Health.

SSBD الجمعية السعودية لأمراض واعتلالات الدم


The Saudi Lung Cancer Association is a group under the Saudi Thoracic Society. SLCA aims to collaborate and lead national and international initiatives in lung cancer control including prevention, education, research, and promotion of evidence- based practice.

SLCA : الجمعية السعودية لسرطان الرئة


It is a professional non-profit organization. The Society aims to promote the advancement in management of the blood and marrow transplantation and related blood and cancer diseases. The Society represents multiple medical and scientific disciplines such as hematology, oncology, immunology, genetics, microbiology, pediatrics, and internal medicine.

SSBMT: الجمعية السعودية لزراعة خلايا الدم الجذعية


The Omani Society of Hematology (OSH) is a professional organization committed towards excellence in professional development in Hematological disorders.

الجمعية العمانية لأمراض الدم


Saudi Oncology Society is committed to advancing education of oncologists and other oncology professionals. fostering communication among cancer-related medical subspecialties and the exchange of a wide range of ideas related to cancer.

SOS : الجمعية السعودية للأورام


The Emirates Oncology Society is dedicated to promoting and fostering the multidimensional care of cancer patients throughout the United Arab Emirates, by bringing together all of the practicing cancer specialists across all disciplines.

جمعية الإمارات للأورام